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Be Present

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Looking forward to a future goal or dream is something I believe in. There have been times I was so focused in thinking about what it would be like when I reached that goal or lived that dream that I forgot to focus on the present. Yes “living in the moment” is a phrase often used and seldom really actualized. Think about it…. you are where you are right now. There really is a purpose for why you are here – now. What are you doing to fully take advantage of the experiences you could be gaining?

Have you ever found yourself in a position that you wished you were somewhere else but for whatever reason, it wasn’t the right time to make a move? You really have two choices – move or stay. If you choose to stay, realize that is a choice and you made the choice so why not make the most of it. What more can you learn that maybe you have overlooked because you were so focused on the next step? Or what are you doing to prepare yourself for the next step that you actually need to learn before achieving that sought after goal or dream?

Take a fresh look at where you are right now. Do one thing today, no matter how small to learn something new that may help you tomorrow, or the next day. Challenge yourself to be fully present.